Budget Beauty – Saving Money By Visiting A Skin Clinic in Playa Del Carmen Mexico (+Before and After Photos)

Saving Money By Visiting A Skin Clinic in Playa Del Carmen Mexico (+Before and After Photos)

Video Transcript: hi everyone good morning true circle Sonia here with third day now in Playa del Carmen I’m here with Emilio hi everybody and this morning I’m doing some more medical tourism I’m going to actually like a skin care clinic and your guys are going to see but right now I just got up I got up so late my appointments now in half an hour and you know what I’m cooking breakfast I’m cooking Mexican food for Emilio and myself so you know no restaurant today we got all this stuff we need right here so I’m going to make these tortillas really quick and then I’m going to go downtown to apply a car to the clinic those are like those are my tortillas tacos I’m not sure what you call it but is it with the flour tortilla can be a taco is it circle yes burrito or tackling eggs and ham and cheese yeah he says you have the special name for it when it’s a big taco yeah we called that coffee black Mexican flag tight yes mornings were two tacos en masse store Toyota on top a when is the bread when the bread is really big yes slang Sarkozy Tortosa sorta yota plateau pay plans apprentice a pico de Quito very nice voice with board and Rafi boo wrote a wrote a well very nice I can wait okay Alex ingredients Mexican authentic Mexican ingredients how can it not taste authentic Lansing I love the tire I’m sure God you forgot the bean nobody did not forget all ah sorry hope I got everything all right here take this yes okay what has the camera over here and you ought to what do you call it got matter with that downloaded ah somebody so thank you did Matt okay I better I better hurry it up man I got up really late I can’t believe I was like I had to play with tomorrow I’m going to go to bed dude early I’m gonna be on time everything’s going to be really organized and it somehow I went to sleep at like 2:00 in the morning in the and I woke up at 8:00 and I was like I can go back to sleep it’s not like I’m going to sleep till 11 I wake up in his ten really we’re going to be late so he sucks house ain’t good I think it’s good what you think very nice going Eddie busto authentic oh yeah yeah yeah great now that is something if you can make Mexican food for a Mexican guy and he says that it takes max again yeah all right I got no more 2% under my unhappy now that’s a compliment yeah so what I’m doing is I’m going to look in ascetic skincare clinic to get a couple of treatments I don’t look even getting injections Restylane and all these kind of things both talking all that but what I am very interested in is collagen induction and this clinic offers two treatment that use your body’s ability to heal itself to regenerate collagen and they’re completely natural they’re really simple treatments but up in Montreal like they charge an arm and a leg for this about a thousand dollars per treatment but down here it’s two hundred and fifty Canadian for the two treatments I think a tenth of the price roughly so how could I say no so when you’re inside the clinic muscle here is the beautiful reception this is dr. Luigi we’d been at Luigi Palermo and you do all your love you well I’m very happy to me and he answered my email query like that very prompt super happy to be here so this is like a the consultation room yes exactly we discuss well the treatments about what we’re going to do over there and then we go into the procedure room which is okay so we have a little consultation and I’m going to have the micro needling which just little needles going in your skin and then in juices call it collagen increase and the PRP where they inject your face with your own platelet-rich plasma the the PRP will afterwards it’ll look like I had injections temporarily my face will look filled but if this is not the effect the long-term effect of the treatment this is going to go down after two days so if you see me ouster nope we got a bunch of fillers this is not what this treatment does it’s just temporary and red but afterwards this is going to go away but then my skin is going to start renewing itself and it’s just going to give it a bit of a boost in collagen production and the frizzies derma needling that’s going to give me some red skin and it does not give any any get a sex not like having plastic surgery it’s just that down the road my skin will regenerate a bit so it’s more like a long-term effect and the doctor actually recommends also an ultrasound therapy on the face before my eyes hi food which I wasn’t trying to do but I think that it’s a good opportunity since it’s really much more affordable down here and I think what I’m going to do is actually I’m going to do on my stomach because like all moms you know after we have our babies we get some loose skin so I’m gonna let him do this on my stomach and and over time my skin is going to tighten itself up this is very low-risk and just makes your skin heal itself and tighten itself up so I wasn’t trying to do this but I am going to do it since I’m here so step one is to clean my face and apply some numbing cream is that alcohol yes because I want to remove also the lip edik name say the way I want the skin to be dry it’s an ascetic really endless you’re gonna feel that he’s number little bit okay now why haven’t I mean he’s going to take the PRT so he has me set up with this he’s going to take some blood and then put it in the centrifuge I guess for use later it was very easy took the blood completely painless not traumatic and knowing over there in this little machine that’s getting fun and it’s going to separate the blood like the red part from the yellow the blood one the doctor did like already to stop and we’re not filming the actual injections I should say it’s really nice thing so it’s just like little pricks I had fillers went before it a lot more painful and so we already did all of this okay we just did also now around here a little more sensitive we did not to lift but a bit here and you know it’s a bit of a prick but it’s not bad and the good thing about this is because it comes from your own body or there’s no that you can’t have bad reaction because I had fillers like ten years ago I got a lot of swelling and I had some issues with them but with this there’s there’s really no way that your body can you know have a bad reaction because it’s your own blood what’s your own Takuma so we’re going to start with the UM the dermapen so there’s like little tiny needles in the end there which are going to go into the skin but are very very small very short or like what one millimetre long no more the longest the goals that is important is like Caserta to go extremely small then can regulate how deep they goes okay so the very thin needle they are 12 meters action of 12 meters of catalonia it’s really not that serious like it’s going to go on it it’s a bit like it’s like tattooing icing it with this yes yes like when I did it at home I use the roller but I think this can be even actually easier to trust me it’s not that easy to roll your skin with needle that puncture a hole millimeter down it’s hard for me to do it you know this is yes that’s it it’s like there’s no pain no pain at all it feels like when I had a dermabrasion yeah when we go close to the bone it could possibly a little bit more uncomfortable I’m not very much a little prickly up there but really a very variable it’s nothing so kind of I find relaxing with the vibrations mm-hmm it’s like kind of feels like a massage no problem close to the bone yeah okay over the end oh yeah a little prickly I bet the depth on this one is like now I’m going 47 I’m sorry if you know edited one okay okay I’m sorry let’s see it’s fine that’s 1.5 and amazing it doesn’t hurt fine a little more tricky there but is my bad so we’re I think we did all the dermapen we did the PRP and he puts the PRP on the skin before he Dermot ends it we were talking about how they call it a vampire facelift which is just like incredibly brilliant marketing because it’s got it’s not a facelift it’s got nothing to it sounds fair but it’s a very catchy name but actually in the u.s. they’re not allowed to call it a Vampire Facelift anywhere they call it a vampire facial because it’s really just a facial and the vampire will the vampire uses his own blood maybe so we’re we’re done with that it was not only not painful except appearance a little sensitive very variable but I would even say around the rest of the face it was very relaxing so what are we gonna do now how long do those long I just have a viable emo with vitamin C to seal okay okay so here’s what I have right now really you can’t I think you really just can’t see like how it’s going to look down there against the treatment that making your skin heal itself so for now like all I have is like a little bit of the swelling kind of a little bit of really swelling around here but this is going to go down this wedding is for the European vacation but also for the my community okay so we’re going to do it’s called a high food treatment it’s like with the ultrasound and helps your skin itself oh god I think or something yeah hi testing focalize I’ll just I’m sure to show you the machine so here it is and it just shows how it is applied and actually where I’m going to play it is raid around a pier on the summit if we look here it tells us how that the ultrasound shot goes that provoked sir standards in a certain way that we type in the skin this select provoked about it natural healing process basically actually are not injecting anything we are producing focalization robot like ultrasound time density ultrasound that will the skin okay we pull the skin as soon as acute we were the treatment adoptee immediate result take science is important the real results of the high school treatment in general go from 30 to 90 days educated patients up to one year have been improving in their titles it’s just the normal conductive gel to use reducer it’s cold will be cold okay well it’s like you don’t feel like kicking well I’m the Bobby you don’t you want to fell a little bit of prickling myself a little prick there sometimes a little thing we need a little pretty close to the Mosel but yeah I can feel it feels like okay not a little magic in the face this is my fence okay so you might show more what I feel when he does the passes sometimes I feel nothing and sometimes it’s like it gets a little hot like at the end or a little tequila cut yeah that’s hot yeah it’s doing it over here now you see that that’s hot not one wasn’t so bad so sometimes there’s nothing there’s a little soon as you feel it more oh my god Wow I’m going to show you the before-and-after is incredible the fat guy just from doing this already now I see a difference and I can’t imagine it’s just going to get better I can’t even imagine how good this is going to be I’m really impressed it and it’s going to get better than this wait oh wow actually right now is pretty good right after the treatment and I don’t even have stretch marks but still I just felt like it’s you know you know what you can’t even see what it was like is right now it looks really awesome it already looks better I’m going to show you the before and after pictures on him from his phone you can already see a difference on a big difference it’s really quite amazing amazing check this out this is like on his computer and with my camera it’s not the best way to show before and after pictures let’s look for example how deep below is this look here anyway this is the after like alone the smile around the navel you can see just now like how much better that looks oh my god you guys check this out it’s mind-blowing the before and after like the amount of tone in the skin here like look how toned it looks my skin looks good you guys know I worked out hard I went to the gym I lost weight I did someone and still my skin is stretched and it’s still frustrating to like lose a bunch of weight and all that and still it’s like it doesn’t show as much as it should you know I knew yeah that’s why I was getting really discouraged and this is amazing before it’s just look of it like the Pillsbury Doughboy an absurd now you can see how slim I actually am that underneath this loose skin this is just because of the skin and after you pick the loose skin look how nice and toned it looks absolutely phenomenal I’m so happy that’s amazing looks beautiful did a great job yeah no I want to say into Sonya is that actually this is nothing I mean I mean in a way after the treatment we’re not supposed to be the change so of course there are people that react very very well to the treatment and we see some people that I react very well or what they absolutely figures yes but with time 13 90 days after is still improving well after six months as I told you before I mean in very few gate is certain patients up to one year they’re still improving but let’s say that the average is 90 days is where we should be on the highest level you guys are going to have to check in for an update so you can see how it looks in 9 days for the future improvements I think it’s going to be pretty mind-blowing so here here’s Karen came to pick me up and I’m done with that guys say it was like I told you didn’t hurt it was very pleasant everything was good doctors awesome and I’m pretty amazed with the results so on my stomach on my face right now you don’t see much I just look a little taller good I’m pretty like faded right now I feel like really a roof so we’re going to just go get something


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