Find Arm Lift Surgery Abroad
An arm lift (brachioplasty) is a surgical procedure to firm and reshape the upper arms. An arm lift also referred to as a brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure to firm and reshape the upper arms. The surgeon may use liposuction to remove excess fat and skin and reposition the remaining skin to tighten it.
Recommended for
- Removing loose arm skin and fat deposits
Time requirements
Number of days in the hospital
- 1 – 4 days
The average length of stay abroad
- 1 week.
- The patient might have to stay until the sutures can be removed, and should ask the surgeon. It should be possible to fly home within 7 to 10 days.
Number of trips abroad needed
- Many people who have lost weight or who are unhappy with their appearance choose to have an arm lift to reshape the arm.
Time requirements
- The number of days in hospital 1 – 4 days.
- The average length of stay abroad 1 weeks. The patient might have to stay until the sutures can be removed, and should ask the surgeon. It should be possible to fly home within 7 to 10 days.
- The number of trips abroad needed – 1 trip needed.
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Many people who have lost weight or who are unhappy with their appearance choose to have an arm lift to reshape the arm.
How to find quality treatment abroad
Before Arm Lift abroad
After consulting with the surgeon and discussing the desired goals, the surgeon is likely to advise patients to make some minor lifestyle adjustments ahead of the procedure, such as reducing alcohol consumption and stopping smoking.
How is it performed
The surgeon will make an incision beneath the inner arm, from the elbow to the armpit. By making the incision under the arm, it makes the scarring less noticeable once the wound heals after the surgery. After making the incision, the surgeon removes the excess skin and fat, before closing the site with sutures.
- Local anesthetic with sedation.
Procedure duration
The Arm Lift takes 1 to 3 hours.
The surgeon will remove excess skin and fat from the arm, redefining the shape and appearance of the arm.
What to expect after Arm Lift
Post-procedure care
After the procedure, patients are often allowed to return to the hotel. The patient should rest and follow any hygiene instructions from the surgeon. The patient may need to wear a compression garment for the first few weeks after the surgery. Patients should avoid smoking, and any physical activities which will disrupt the healing process.
Possible discomfort
For the first 10 to 14 days after an arm lift, the arms will be quite swollen. Patients may need to wear supportive wraps for up to 6 weeks while the swelling improves. The surgical site can take up to one year to fully heal.
Important things to know about Arm Lift
Not recommended for
- Small amounts of loose skin
- Patients who have fluctuating weight
Potential risks
- Infection
- Tissue necrosis
- Unsightly scarring
- Pain
- Bleeding
- Bruising
- Swelling
- Fluid build-up
- Permanent numbness of the inner arm
- Asymmetry of the arms
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